Private Identity Cloud

Tailored Identity and Access Management Cloud Environments   

We make sure that you get the solution you want - in the cloud. Our cloud technology provides clients with an elastically scalable, automated solution that is tailored to your environments and requirements. Discover how we've got the cloud covered. 

ForgeRock in the Cloud

Deployed and Fully Managed in the Cloud

It's the difference between one deployment per quarter to multiple deployments per day; between risking manual errors to a worry free, fast implementation.

Modern Architecture and Automation

Speed Implementation and Drastically Increase Efficiency

Hub City Media’s cloud technology enables a fully automated deployment of your Identity Platform securely in the cloud. It automates software deployment and configuration, eliminating wasted time building environments and maximizing focus on ensuring the solution meets and exceeds client needs.

By leveraging popular tools like Docker (containerization) and Kubernetes (orchestration), Hub City Media supports the CI/CD model necessary for rapid, stable deployments of new features, services and patches into your IAM platform. 

For deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS), we've incorporated AWS tools and services for Logging, Audit, Real-time monitoring and Reporting. Using CloudFormation automation, our Managed Cloud Services can build a complete, and secure Production IAM environment, with CI/CD pipelines,  in a matter of minutes.


Elastic Scalability

Scale Servers Up or Down With a Single Command

Using modern DevOps technology, it becomes easier to tailor and adjust environments based on capacity, and can easily be adapted to meet additions and changes. We can scales servers up or down with a single command, all done in a dynamic, yet controlled environment. No longer do clients need to build systems to handle peak capacity - your system is exactly what you need it to be. 

Custom UI for the Cloud

Providing a personalized, strongly branded user interface has become critical to large organizations. 

Hub City Media has enabled new user experience possibilities for our clients. Organizations can now utilize a lightweight, fully configurable UI to tailor a unique user experience. The desired experience can be personalized to their requirements including: branding, layouts, styling, designs, fonts, or colors to create custom interfaces.

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